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AFG - Afghanistan
AGU - Anguilla
AHO - Netherlands Antilles
ALB - Albania
ALG - Algeria
AND - Andorra
ANG - Angola
ANT - Antigua and Barbuda
ANZ - Australasia
AOI - Athletes from India
AOK - Athletes from Kuwait
ARG - Argentina
ARM - Armenia
ART - Athlete Refugee Team
ARU - Aruba
ASA - American Samoa
ASC - Ascension Island
AUS - Australia
AUT - Austria
AZE - Azerbaijan
BAH - Bahamas
BAN - Bangladesh
BAR - Barbados
BDI - Burundi
BEL - Belgium
BEN - Benin
BER - Bermuda
BHU - Bhutan
BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina
BIZ - Belize
BLR - Belarus
BOH - Bohemia
BOL - Bolivia
BOT - Botswana
BRA - Brazil
BRN - Bahrain
BRT - Saint-Barthélemy
BRU - Brunei
BUL - Bulgaria
BUR - Burkina Faso
CAF - Central African Republic
CAM - Cambodia
CAN - Canada
CAT - Catalonia
CAY - Cayman Islands
CCS - Centro Caribe Sports - Athletes from Guatemala
CFB - Wallonie
CGO - Congo
CHA - Chad
CHI - Chile
CHN - China
CHU - Federated States of Micronesia - Chuuk
CIS - Commonwealth of Independendent States
CIV - Ivory Coast
CKI - Cocos Islands
CMR - Cameroon
CNB - New Brunswick
COD - Democratic Republic of the Congo
COK - Cook Islands
COL - Colombia
COM - Comoros
COR - Unified Korea
CPV - Cape Verde
CRC - Costa Rica
CRO - Croatia
CUB - Cuba
CUR - Curaçao
CYP - Cyprus
CZE - Czech Republic
DEN - Denmark
DJI - Djibouti
DMA - Dominica
DOM - Dominican Republic
ECU - Ecuador
EGY - Egypt
ENG - England
ERI - Eritrea
ESA - El Salvador
ESP - Spain
EST - Estonia
ETH - Ethiopia
EUR - Europe
FAR - Faroe Islands
FGU - French Guiana
FIJ - Fiji
FIN - Finland
FLI - Falkland Islands
FPN - French Polynesia
FRA - France
FRG - West Germany
FSM - Federated States of Micronesia
GAB - Gabon
GAM - Gambia
GBR - Great Britain
GBS - Guinea Bissau
GDP - Guadeloupe
GDR - East Germany
GEI - Gilbert and Ellice Islands
GEO - Georgia
GEQ - Equatorial Guinea
GER - Germany
GHA - Ghana
GIB - Gibraltar
GRE - Greece
GRL - Greenland
GRN - Grenada
GUA - Guatemala
GUE - Guernsey
GUI - Guinea
GUM - Guam
GUY - Guyana
HAI - Haiti
HAW - Hawaiʻi
HEL - St. Helena
HKG - Hong Kong
HON - Honduras
HUN - Hungary
INA - Indonesia
IND - India
INP - Independent Participant
IOM - Isle of Man
IOT - British Indian Ocean Territory
IOW - Isle of Wight
IRI - Iran
IRL - Ireland
IRQ - Iraq
ISL - Iceland
ISR - Israel
ISV - United States Virgin Islands
ITA - Italy
IVB - British Virgin Islands
JAM - Jamaica
JER - Jersey
JOR - Jordan
JPN - Japan
KAZ - Kazakhstan
KEN - Kenya
KGZ - Kyrgyzstan
KIR - Kiribati
KOQ - Federated States of Micronesia - Kosrae
KOR - South Korea
KOS - Kosovo
KSA - Saudi Arabia
KUW - Kuwait
LAO - Laos
LAT - Latvia
LBA - Libya
LBN - Lebanon
LBR - Liberia
LCA - Saint Lucia
LES - Lesotho
LIE - Liechtenstein
LTU - Lithuania
LUX - Luxembourg
MAC - Macau
MAD - Madagascar
MAL - Malaya
MAR - Morocco
MAS - Malaysia
MAW - Malawi
MDA - Republic of Moldova
MDV - Maldives
MEN - Menorca
MEX - Mexico
MGL - Mongolia
MHL - Marshall Islands
MIX - Mixed team
MKD - North Macedonia
MLI - Mali
MLT - Malta
MNE - Montenegro
MON - Monaco
MOZ - Mozambique
MQE - Martinique
MRI - Mauritius
MRT - Saint-Martin
MTN - Mauritania
MTS - Montserrat
MUL - Multiple nations
MYA - Myanmar
MYT - Mayotte
NAM - Namibia
NAU - North Australia
NBO - North Borneo
NCA - Nicaragua
NCD - New Caledonia
NED - Netherlands
NEP - Nepal
NEU - Neutral Participant
NFI - Norfolk Island
NFL - Newfoundland
NGR - Nigeria
NIG - Niger
NIR - Northern Ireland
NIU - Niue
NMI - Northern Mariana Islands
NOR - Norway
NRU - Nauru
NSW - Australia - New South Wales
NZL - New Zealand
OMA - Oman
ORK - Orkney Islands
PAK - Pakistan
PAN - Panama
PAR - Paraguay
PER - Peru
PHI - Philippines
PLE - Palestine
PLM - Mandatory Palestine
PLW - Palau
PNG - Papua New Guinea
POH - Federated States of Micronesia - Pohnpei
POL - Poland
POR - Portugal
PRK - North Korea
PUR - Puerto Rico
QAT - Qatar
QLD - Australia - Queensland
QUE - Quebec
RAT - Regional Australian Team
REF - Refugee Team
RHO - Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
RNN - Réunion
ROU - Romania
RSA - South Africa
RUS - Russia
RWA - Rwanda
SAA - Saar
SAM - Samoa
SAU - Australia - South Australia
SCG - Serbia and Montenegro
SCO - Scotland
SEN - Senegal
SEY - Seychelles
SGP - Singapore
SHE - Shetland Islands
SHR - Sahrawi
SKN - Saint Kitts and Nevis
SLE - Sierra Leone
SLO - Slovenia
SMF - Suspended Member Federation
SMR - San Marino
SMT - Sint Maarten
SOL - Solomon Islands
SOM - Somalia
SPM - St. Pierre and Miquelon
SRB - Serbia
SRI - Sri Lanka
SSD - South Sudan
STP - São Tomé and Principe
SUD - Sudan
SUI - Switzerland
SUR - Suriname
SVK - Slovakia
SWE - Sweden
SWZ - Eswatini
SYR - Syria
TAN - Tanzania
TAS - Australia - Tasmania
TCH - Czechoslovakia
TGA - Tonga
THA - Thailand
TJK - Tajikistan
TKL - Tokelau
TKM - Turkmenistan
TKS - Turks and Caicos Islands
TLS - Timor-Leste
TOG - Togo
TPE - Chinese Taipei
TSV - Transvaal
TTO - Trinidad and Tobago
TTP - Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
TUN - Tunisia
TUR - Turkey
TUV - Tuvalu
UAE - United Arab Emirates
UAR - United Arab Republic
UGA - Uganda
UKR - Ukraine
UNK - Unknown
URS - Soviet Union
URU - Uruguay
USA - United States
UZB - Uzbekistan
VAN - Vanuatu
VAT - Vatican City
VEN - Venezuela
VIC - Australia - Victoria
VIE - Vietnam
VIN - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VNM - South Vietnam
WAF - Wallis and Futuna
WAL - Wales
WES - Western Isles/Outer Hebrides
WIF - West Indies Federation
XMI - Christmas Island
YAP - Federated States of Micronesia - Yap
YAR - North Yemen
YEM - Yemen
YMD - South Yemen
YUG - Yugoslavia
ZAM - Zambia
ZIM - Zimbabwe
x - x
AER - Aerobic Gymnastics
AIR - Air Sports
ARC - Archery
ASK - Alpine Skiing
ATH - Athletics
AUT - Auto Sports
BAS - Basketball
BDM - Badminton
BDY - Bandy
BHA - Beach Handball
BIA - Biathlon
BK3 - 3x3 Basketball
BOB - Bobsleigh
BOX - Boxing
BSB - Baseball
BVO - Beach Volleyball
CAN - Canoeing
CCS - Cross Country Skiing
CLB - Sport Climbing
CUR - Curling
CYC - Cycling
DAR - Darts
DIV - Diving
EQU - Equestrian
FEN - Fencing
FRS - Freestyle Skiing
FSK - Figure Skating
GAC - Acrobatic Gymnastics
GLF - Golf
GYM - Artistic Gymnastics
HAN - Handball
HOK - Field Hockey
ICH - Ice Hockey
JUD - Judo
KFB - Korfball
KTE - Karate
LUG - Luge
MOP - Modern Pentathlon
MUL - Multiple sports
NCO - Nordic Combined
OWS - Open Water Swimming
PAR - Parkour
RGY - Rhythmic Gymnastics
ROW - Rowing
RUG - Rugby
SAI - Sailing
SHO - Shooting
SKB - Skateboarding
SKE - Skeleton
SKIO - Ski Orienteering
SKJ - Ski Jumping
SMT - Ski Mountaineering
SNB - Snowboarding
SNK - Snooker
SQU - Squash
SSK - Speed Skating
STK - Short Track Speed Skating
SWA - Artistic Swimming
SWI - Swimming
TEN - Tennis
TKW - Taekwondo
TMP - Trampolining
TRI - Triathlon
TTN - Table Tennis
VOL - Volleyball
WAP - Water Polo
WLT - Weightlifting
WRE - Wrestling